David Ancell / Friday March 23, 2007
I read yesterday in Catholic World News that Fr. Fessio was abruptly dismissed from Ave Maria University. Today, I read that they are retaining him in a new capacity. As of this writing, there is no explanation on the school’s web site. By the time you read this, there may be.
I just don’t get this. It looks really bad, especially the way it is reported to have been handled. In any case, you can bet that Satan is attacking this school and doesn’t want it to exist. There is no way that this could happen and not cause the school to be in turmoil. I heard a report (which I cannot verify) that after this happened many students have protested and have even refused to attend classes. It wouldn’t surprise me.
I had great expectations for the school and have donated money. If anything, I thought it would be a great orthodox alternative to those who aren’t big fans of the Charismatic Renewal that is still strong at Franciscan University of Steubenville (to which I have also donated). I might have liked to study there.
The irony of this is that, on the day I learned of the firing, I received a letter, part of which bore Fr. Fessio’s signature, asking for a donation. I had just finished a pledge to them. However, I am so concerned about this move that I will not give another penny to Ave Maria University unless I get a satisfactory explanation for what is going on. I don’t want to abandon their students, but I can’t support an environment that may become questionable in their formation of the students. You might think that doing this is giving in to Satan’s attempt to destroy the school, but if this dismissal is part of Satan’s plot, then giving to the school may be helping him instead of Our Lord. I must know what I am helping before I donate again.
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