David Ancell / Saturday April 21, 2007
I just found this letter written by Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo, Bishop of Richmond, VA, to the president of Virginia Tech. The message was simple, but I hope that the simplicity doesn’t keep it from being taken seriously. Our only hope is to turn to God and realize that death does not get the final word. Then again, it’s all we ever had anyway.
My hope and prayer is, of course, for both the souls of the deceased, including Cho Seung-Hui, and the survivors who will have to face what happened for some time. I pray that, through all the investigation that must take place, they will get past finger-pointing and seek to do what is best for everyone. This can be something to bring everyone together. It’s a sad thing that our society often requires such a shake-up to bring people together, but God can bring great good out of evil.
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