David Ancell / Monday January 05, 2009
I know it has been a long time since I have written. I am not sure how much of my story my readers know, but I can honestly say that I do not know how I would ever be Catholic without my grandmother. She passed away on December 31st at the age of 88.
She had suffered from chronic pain for many years, but she always did her best to play with the grandkids when we were little. She took me to church a number of times in my pre-teen and teenage years. She also baked the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever eaten. I will really miss her, but I know she is in God’s hands. A week ago, my aunt, my cousin, my girlfriend, and I were with her as she received both Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum. I had never seen this before, and it was beautiful.
Please pray for her soul and for my family.
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