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Chanted Mass

  /   Sunday October 31, 2010  

Yana and I registered at the aforementioned parish this morning.  After this morning’s Mass, I’m even more excited about being there.  I don’t know if this is a regular thing or not, but they had a beautiful chanted Mass.  Some of the chant was English, but the Gloria, Sanctus, Mysterium Fidei, and Agnus Dei were all chanted in Latin.  This is a great example of what we would get if Vatican II were actually implemented as is stated in Sacrosanctum Concilium. By the way, did I mention that, after everyone receives the Eucharist at every Mass, the parish sings Salve Regina.

We had a chance to introduce ourselves to the pastor.  He told us how important it was for him that we stick with tradition and to do what Jesus Christ wants instead of doing our own thing.  We are grateful for this.  We have firsthand knowledge of what happens when a parish does its own thing, and it is a very, very ugly picture.

Category: Catholic, News on My Life



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