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Praying for Perseverance, Especially for Priests

  /   Sunday June 19, 2011  

Right now, you can find truckloads of articles and blog posts offering commentary on the recent news about Fr. Corapi, a priest who was once known as a great defender of orthodox Catholic teaching.  He has announced that he is leaving active ministry as a priest but will minister under another title.  Other people have written far too much about his situation, and I’m not going to pretend that I can add much to the discussion.  Besides, there are a few people who accept the possibility that the whole thing may be a hack job.  It’s not out of the question to me because the video doesn’t show him actually speaking, and the audio doesn’t sound quite right to me.

The more troubling part to me is that he isn’t the first on-fire, orthodox priest to do this.  Over the last few years I’ve seen a number of priests who appeared to be holy, orthodox, and happy priests leave their ministry.  Some just picked up and left; others were caught in scandal.  It has left me wondering what is going on.

I have to remind myself that there are a lot still standing, and they really need our prayers.  They have an indelible mark on their souls and a target on their backs, as Fr. Z explains very well. Perseverance to the end in service to Christ is difficult for any of us.  All of us who wish to attain eternal salvation much support each other and especially our priests.  There are just so many traps set by the enemy for all of us that I can’t name all of them in this post.  We can easily grow tired of fighting the good fight, especially in today’s world.  Our priests are often on the front end of this battle, and their perseverance is often what brings the salvation of many.

Category: Catholic, News, Response



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