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New Podcast Home

  /   Thursday, May 15, 2014   /   Comments(0)

After having done several Lunch Break shows (and having a new full episode in the works), I’ve started to realize that keeping separate pages and feeds for the shows was probably not the best idea.  So, I’ve combined both Lunch Break and the regular show into one site, and I’ve even updated the existing links on this blog to point to the new site.  The address is:


I’ve even added the few surviving episodes from The David Ancell Podcast that I used to record around 2006 – 2007.  Most episodes were lost in a hard drive crash, but if I can ever find them, I’ll try to get them posted.  Better yet, my recorded talks from Incarnation RCIA are up there also.  I figured it would make it easier both for people to find and for me to maintain if I used one area of my site for all of my recorded talks.  Please be sure to update your subscriptions in iTunes to the new feed because the only thing I plan to add to them in the future is a message that everything has been moved.  I’m planning some more revisions to my whole site in the coming months, so please keep watching.

Category: Podcasts

Lunch Break: Keeping the Presence of God

  /   Monday, May 12, 2014   /   Comments(0)

My next Lunch Break episode is now post:

Go hear to get it.

In this podcast, I talk about how all created things point to God who created them, and we can use this fact to be mindful of the presence of God. It’s not a substitute for going to Mass, but, rather, it’s a way of keeping God’s presence in mind after we leave Mass.

Category: Podcasts

Lunch Break: Making Jesus Christ More Known and Loved

  /   Monday, May 05, 2014   /   Comments(0)

I’ve posted another Lunch Break episode to the site this morning.

Go here to get it.

I’ve never liked to be in long discussions where everything begins with “this nation” or something like that.  Sure, we do live in an era where society pretty much tries to run itself as though God doesn’t exist.  However, we can do our part to bring a whole nation  back to Our Lord, but we’ll need to do it wherever we are with whomever we can reach.

Category: Podcasts

New Look for the Blog

  /   Tuesday, April 29, 2014   /   Comments(0)

I haven’t liked the template I was using for this blog for some time. In fact, I don’t think I have ever liked it. Finally, I picked another one. It may change again given that my main site due for a redesign. However, I expect it to be a long time before I get that done.

I had one important goal in mind. Have you noticed those sites that look very nice on your smartphone without your ever having to zoom in? That is what I want. Geeks like me call it responsive web design. If you are on a modern smartphone, you will see that this site has similar design to what you get on a computer (unlike those ugly mobile designs), but the elements are immediately positioned so that you can read them. I still wish all my links would appear, but this will work for now.

I probably read many more blogs on my phone or iPad than I could ever read on a computer. So, making the blog render well on a mobile platform is very important to me.  Now, I just need to learn how to make the rest of the site work like this. I am looking for resources now.

Category: News on My Life, Technology

Lunch Break: Divine Mercy

  /   Saturday, April 26, 2014   /   Comments(0)

I’m posting the fourth episode of my Lunch Break edition early so that it will be up in time for Divine Mercy.

Go here to get it.

Here I talk about the mercy of God and how a right understanding of it is necessary to have the right attitude towards sin.  Otherwise, we run the risk of falling into either presumption or despair.

Category: Podcasts

Lunch Break: Exercise and Virtue

  /   Monday, April 21, 2014   /   Comments(0)

I’ve posted my third Lunch Break episode entitled “Exercise and Virtue.”  I was a bit out of breath on this one, and you can tell by listening.  I was talking a walk and talking into my iPhone.  Someday soon I hope to get a real field recorder, but this will have to do for now.

Download the episode here.

Have a Happy Easter!  Alleluia!  He is risen!

Category: Podcasts

Lunch Break: Our Attitude Towards Our Faults

  /   Monday, April 14, 2014   /   Comments(0)

I have just published the second episode of my Lunch Break edition of the podcast.

Go here to get it.

This basically is a podcast version of a post I did earlier on the blog.  So far, it has been fun getting these episodes together.  I’ve already got one more recorded, and hopefully you’ll see it next week.

Category: Podcasts

Lunch Break: Examine Thyself

  /   Thursday, April 10, 2014   /   Comments(0)

My new Lunch Break edition of It Really Does Matter Podcast is now here!  I’ve put it on it’s own page and feed, and you can get it at the link below:

Lunch Break Podcast Home

This page will allow you to listen and subscribe as well as download the episode.  If you want to just download it, click here.

Category: Podcasts

Podcast Episode 14: A Look at the Affordable Care Act

  /   Wednesday, April 09, 2014   /   Comments(0)

After a two-year hiatus, I am pleased to bring you another podcast episode.

Download it here.

I decided that I’d take on giving my view of the Affordable Care Act, trying to be as objective as I could for the first segment.  I go over some good aspects as well as some actual and potential problems that may result.  After that, I talk about the serious problem that is the mandate that all insurance plans provide free contraception.

While I hope to produce some more shows like this in the near future, I’m going to be trying something new in an effort to get more podcast content out.  I am starting a new show that I will call the “Lunchbreak edition” of the podcast.  It will be shorter (one segment only), less scripted, and less edited than my main show, but hopefully you’ll see it more often.  I’ve already started recording, so look for the first one soon on this blog.  It will be in a separate feed from the main show, so if you wish to subscribe, you’ll need to subscribe separately.

Category: Podcasts

Profit from Your Faults

  /   Thursday, January 16, 2014   /   Comments(0)

Sometimes I need to post something because I myself need to hear it.  This one is a tough one for me.  I try to avoid sin in my life and certainly don’t relish those moments when I find myself in it.  However, God does allow evil.  He allows it so that he can bring about a greater good.  In this case, he can even use our sin to bring us closer to him.  This doesn’t mean that we should be careless about sin.  In fact, this will really only work for those who wish never to offend God but fall into sin anyway.

For a good primer on this, take a look at this article from Catholic Exchange. For a longer treatment, try reading Scepter Publisher’s How to Profit from Your Faults by Joseph Tissot.  The main thing to realize is that we should not be surprised or upset by our faults but should trust in God’s mercy and hurry back to God when we sin.  I’ll summarize here what can be gained from our faults:

  1. We can grow in love for God when we realize the great mercy and love he has for us despite our faults.
  2. We can grow in our determination not to offend God again by our contrition for our sins.
  3. We can grow in humility.  We realize what we are and will do without the grace of God.  We learn to distrust ourselves and depend on God.
  4. By growing in humility, we will be more understanding of the faults of others around us.

Definitely read the article I linked to above.  It’s one of the best, most concise treatments I’ve read and something that will be a great help to every struggling Christian.

Category: Catholic, Spirituality

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