David Ancell / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Comments(0)
Now that the web site is online for our wedding, we’ve added a blog. Actually, we are calling it our journal. Take a look at this:
I decided to use WordPress instead of writing my own software on this site. It’s a great tool. Maybe I should have used it on this blog. You may have heard, but I wrote my own blog software for this site (as well as my own content management). I guess, as she often says, my fiancee is keeping me busy.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Monday, May 04, 2009 / Comments(0)
Last week, I finally finished the web site for our wedding. You can find it at this address:
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David Ancell / Monday, April 27, 2009 / Comments(0)
Somehow, I have the feeling that I won’t be doing regular blogging much anymore. I’d like to, but I just can’t find the time to save my life. Much has happened . . .
Last month, I proposed to my girlfriend right in front of the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama. She said yes, and we will be married on August 8th of this year in Dayton, Ohio. We are both very excited, and we are very busy because we have a lot to do between now and then.
In fact, it’s as I’m getting ready to write the wedding web page that I realized that I needed some updating here. Pretty soon, I plan to do our wedding web site. I’ll post here when it is done. My blog I know contains many things that I would not say today in the same way. The posts are still here for now, but maybe some changes are in order.
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David Ancell / Wednesday, January 28, 2009 / Comments(0)
I must admit that I wondered why Benedict XVI lifted the excommunication against the Society of St. Pius X. I just read this article from Catholic Culture that explains it very well. This is not a Vatican endorsement of their views. Take a look at this statement:
A handful of liberal theologians have been admonished by the Vatican in the years since Lefebvrite split, but unlike the SSPX, the liberals have not been excommunicated.
Many traditionalists have charged that it was unfair for the SSPX bishops to be excommunicated while the liberals have not been. There was an important distinction; the Archbishop Lefebvre ordained bishops without legitimate permission to do so. This was clearly defined under canon law. However, I think the traditionalists have a point in that their dissent was not tolerated while the liberals can still say they are Catholic. The move to lift the excommunication, if anything, will, I guess, put all dissent on an equal footing.
Let’s pray for the conversion of all dissenters, whatever their viewpoint.
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David Ancell / Monday, January 05, 2009 / Comments(0)
I know it has been a long time since I have written. I am not sure how much of my story my readers know, but I can honestly say that I do not know how I would ever be Catholic without my grandmother. She passed away on December 31st at the age of 88.
She had suffered from chronic pain for many years, but she always did her best to play with the grandkids when we were little. She took me to church a number of times in my pre-teen and teenage years. She also baked the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever eaten. I will really miss her, but I know she is in God’s hands. A week ago, my aunt, my cousin, my girlfriend, and I were with her as she received both Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum. I had never seen this before, and it was beautiful.
Please pray for her soul and for my family.
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David Ancell / Thursday, July 17, 2008 / Comments(0)
In case you didn’t know, I am still alive. I’m just having a bit of trouble finding time to blog.
If you haven’t heard, I took a new job last February. I am now working hospital, and I’m enjoying it. It’s not perfect, but it’s much better than what I had. I hadn’t felt like I was going anywhere in my old job, and almost everyone whom I knew seemed to know it. I had been so specialized that I really didn’t think I could do anything else. However, I am doing quite well in a hospital job.
I am working every other weekend, and when I don’t work, I go see my girlfriend in Ohio. I love her! As long as I had waited, I’m amazed that God would bring such a wonderful woman into my life.
I joined another local parish as well. Of course, I’m still Catholic. I had been working in RCIA in this parish for a long time because they let me teach, and I thought it was time I joined.
Things are going well. Maybe soon I can post a thing or two, but time is a bit limited.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Thursday, March 20, 2008 / Comments(0)
If you’ve been reading this blog or have stumbled upon it, I guess you have noticed that it has been a while since I’ve posted. I haven’t given up, but I’m not doing a lot on this. There are a couple of things that have been going on.
For one thing, I have a girlfriend. I was on my way home from meeting her for the first time when I had this accident that I wrote about. We met on Ave Maria Singles. After the wreck, it took a while before I could visit her again, and then, after the next visit, I ended up on crutches. However, at the beginning of February, I asked her for a courtship, and she said yes. I am so happy to have her in my life.
I also have a new job. I decided I needed another kind of pharmacy experience from what I have, so I took a job in a local hospital. So far, it has been very good. I am learning to make IV admixtures. I will be learning more things in the future.
Anyway, please do feel free to drop me a line. I may take a while to answer, but I will do my best to get back to you.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Thursday, March 20, 2008 / Comments(0)
I went to Geno’s and had a cheesesteak back in February. I remember seeing the sign that “This is America. When ordering, please speak English.” I had heard about the local human rights commission saying that the sign is discriminatory. Thankfully, the commission ruled otherwise. The owner, Joey Vento, even said that they won’t discriminate against people. It’s just that, if they don’t speak English, then they aren’t sure what to serve people.
I like Joey Vento’s quotes on the video accompanying this article on why this sign shouldn’t be offensive to non-English speakers:
If you don’t speak English, what’s the sign say to you. It says nothing!
If you don’t understand the language . . . you can’t speak it; you can’t read it.
Truthfully, I think the whole complaint from the city is silly. Even if Geno’s wants to discriminate, they are the ones who lose the business. If their employees speak English only, then they aren’t going to understand people ordering in other languages. What does the commission expect? You can call this bad business if you want, but it isn’t a human rights violation. I can understand where there would be a problem if this establishment were an essential service like health care, but this is a restaurant.
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David Ancell / Saturday, January 05, 2008 / Comments(0)
After doing some tests on me after my wreck, the doctor put me in a boot and on crutches a few weeks ago. I have not had this before in my life, so I had no idea what it would be like. I’m not so much trying to get sympathy as to try to tell you what I’ve learned from this.
First, it’s really tiring. I have almost no energy. This is really bad given that work has gotten much more stressful lately. Yes, I’m still at the same job. If it weren’t for the wreck, I’d probably have left Memphis. I never knew that walking on crutches would take so much out of someone. I get home and hardly feel like doing anything.
Second, I’ve found that holding and carrying things is very difficult, if not impossible. The crutches are in your hands, so you can only hold things that you can brace against the crutches. Even then, it’s awkward. I’ll have to remember when I see others in the future on crutches to ask if they need help carrying stuff. I can tell you that the staff in Kroger and Target have been very helpful to me. The people at Zaxby’s noticed my condition and helped me get my food to the table without my asking. Qdoba wasn’t quite so helpful; they seemed oblivious to my condition.
Third, you get sore arms. My wrists are so sore that it’s sometimes hard to pick things up around my work desk. Yes, I am still trying to work. I would suggest trying to take time off if you have to deal with this. No doubt, I’ll have the arm muscles going again once I’m done.
Hopefully, I’m almost done with these things. I know I want to try to do what I can for others I see on these things in the future. Now, I know what kind of things are difficult when you have crutches.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Sunday, December 30, 2007 / Comments(0)
Ok, so I’m a little late here. I debated whether to bother to post this. It’s hard for me to find time to update the blog these days. I did receive a bit from well-meaning people during December that could be construed as saying that it’s no big deal if people in the corporate world are out there saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” I want to address this here.
I’d have to agree that, if someone spends all his/her time writing protest letters about this, they really have gone too far. It’s kind of hard to tell someone to keep Christ in Christmas if we have done nothing but send angry letters. However, too many in the world have forgotten an essential truth of our salvation.
Take a look at this excerpt from Frank Sheed’s A Map of Life. I highly recommend this book. I got something more out of reading this article that I didn’t get on reading the book years ago.
Sheed’s writing here gives us an essential point of our faith. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Our starting point in faith isn’t the deeds we do, though we must do good deeds. We start with Jesus Christ himself. He is not some accessory to our faith, nor is he a matter of our own opinion. Without him, we have no salvation. This even applies to those who may be saved without explicit belief in him.
People who have decided to remove reference to Christ are, first and foremost, missing the very reason why the holiday exists, making celebration ludicrous. It is Jesus Christ himself that we must first and foremost proclaim. We demonstrate his love by our good deeds, but we must also remind people of his importance when he is left out of our celebration.
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