David Ancell / Wednesday, November 21, 2007 / Comments(0)
The New York Times reported that scientists have found out how to turn human skin cells into cells just like human embryonic stem cells. Of course, this will legitimately bypass the moral problem of embryonic stem calls. They managed to get a quote from Fr. Tadeusz Pacholczyk on this.
However, this line is a bit of a problem:
Until now, the only way to get such human universal cells was to pluck them from a human embryo several days after fertilization, destroying the embryo in the process.
Technically, this is correct, but it is still misleading. They leave no mention of adult stem cells that can be obtained and used to treat illnesses (and have been used that way) with no moral problems. The cells may not be as flexible as an embryonic cell, but they are easier to control. This leads me to my second point.
The article goes on to say that the method used to produce the cells could be a risk for them to become cancerous. This may be. However, the possibility of cells harvested from human embryos to become cancerous just because of the difficulty in controlling them was left out of the article.
I really wish someone who knew what they were talking about would write these stories on stem cell research. They could at least let people know that adult stem cells can and have been used. Without this, the public isn’t getting complete information.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Saturday, November 10, 2007 / Comments(0)
I wasn’t planning on going to New Jersey anyway, but now that they’ve passed a law requiring pharmacists to dispense the morning-after pill, I’m really not going. Other sources state that a pharmacist can try to locate a nearby pharmacy that will dispense, but this doesn’t really help things. This state supposedly has a large Catholic population, but they apparently cannot or are not willing to stand against this.
The sick part of this is the senator who sponsored the bill saying that conscience “should not come into play when subjective beliefs conflict with objective medical decisions.” Uh, hello, just what kind of “objective medical decision” is this anyway? If someone told me to go kill someone on the street, I doubt I could tell the police that I couldn’t let my conscience get in the way of someone’s “objective decision.” There is simply no objective medicine involved.
I was scanning comments on Newsday (here and here), and I noticed a couple of interesting items. First, one writer seems to have forgotten what really causes pregnancy. She writes “If the condom fails to work and you become pregnant, just go to your pharmacist and all the other refusing pharmacists.” Did it ever occur to this person that one who does not want to get pregnant does not have to do that which causes pregnancy? It’s a choice, and any adult should know what they are doing. If the natural consequences occur, take the responsibility instead of expecting someone to give you a pill that may (but won’t necessarily) destroy the life you have helped create by your own choice.
Other comments that I have seen many times say such wonderful things about how people all have different opinions that are “equally valid.” I wonder if my opinion would be “equally valid” if I believed I should rob someone’s house, and I saw nothing wrong with it. If not, then how does he know? It isn’t “moralists” imposing “arbitrary values” on people that leads to “moral narcissism.” The narcissism in our society is caused by people who believe that they should be allowed to do whatever they want without considering the natural consequences.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Saturday, November 10, 2007 / Comments(0)
I just got a letter in the mail from Honda congratulating me on my new car. In the letter, they were sure to mention crash safety, which is really on my mind given recent events. However, I got a kick out of this line in the letter:
And, did you know, you even have energy-absorbing structures in the hood and front fenders to help minimize injuries to pedestrians? That’s what we call “Safety for Everyone.”
So, if I run over someone, I guess their injuries will be minimized.
Category: Uncategorized
David Ancell / Monday, October 29, 2007 / Comments(0)
God kept me alive for some reason. Soon, maybe I’ll start to see what he has planned. Many of you who know me know what I am talking about.
I was driving on an interstate in the rain and fog when a car heading the opposite direction crossed the grass median. I had no way of stopping in time (though I tried), and I slammed into him. Behind me, an 18-wheeler tried to move to avoid the wreck, and he ran over my trunk with his back wheels or the back of his trailer. The authorities were right behind us immediately. My car is a total loss. I spent the night in the hospital, but I am still alive at least.
I can tell you that, if you are going to have a wreck, a Honda Accord is a good car to have a wreck in. It may not ever drive again, but it held up well enough to keep from crushing me. There were other factors. The 18-wheeler’s trailer was empty, or he wouldn’t have been able to turn so as not to crush me. If the authorities had not been right behind me, I probably would have been hit again. God kept me safe through this.
NOTE ADDED LATER: I forgot to mention that this was on Monday, October 22nd that this happened.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Monday, October 29, 2007 / Comments(0)
I am grateful for Pope Benedict as it is. Now, I just saw that he called for conscientious objection by pharmacists. We should not collaborate in supplying products used for immoral intent, specifically abortion or euthanasia. It’s interesting that there isn’t a mention of contraception here. I have heard (and even read in an old moral theology text) that a pharmacist could sell contraception to those who request it to keep his job, but he could not counsel regarding its use.
I had always felt forgotten in all the talk on health care and morality. I didn’t even know that the International Federation of Catholic Pharmacists existed. Maybe this will be a start to getting some things out there about the rights and moral responsibilities of pharmacists.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Saturday, September 15, 2007 / Comments(0)
There are all kinds of sites out there advising you as to what to do on an interview and what not to do. This one details the outrageous. I have to wonder how any of these people expected to land a job this way.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Sunday, August 12, 2007 / Comments(0)
I had long let my membership lapse in Pharmacists for Life. I was thankful to see that an Illinois judge ruled that pharmacists are indeed health care professionals. One consequence of this ruling is that the conscience protection laws apply to pharmacists, which could very well mean the end of Blagojevich’s executive order requiring all pharmacists to dispense Plan B on demand.
Hopefully, any appeals will be decided the same way. I have to note that, as the articles states, mainstream organizations were notably absent from this suit. This is one reason why I won’t join any except our state and local organization.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Sunday, August 05, 2007 / Comments(0)
My blogging has definitely slowed down since I began, but I’m also busier than ever. This has to be the busiest summer I’ve ever had. Still, I feel like there has been a summer or two in the past few years that I’ve wasted, so I wanted to make sure I made the most of it. Here’s a rundown of what’s going on for those who are interested.
First, I’ve decided to seriously curtail the computers and electronics I’ve bought. In some cases, I’ve bought two or more of the same kind of thing that I don’t really need one of. I’m also not buying many more books because I have more books than I can stand, and I have no place for them. Buying things has become a kind of addiction for me, and now I’m taking control and saving money. After all, I’m 32 and still don’t own a house even though I could more than afford to do it.
Second, I’ve been doing major cleanup on my apartment. I’ve thrown a lot of clutter away, and I’m working on getting rid of more clutter. I need to simplify life and make moving easier to do since I don’t want to live in this place forever. My place is already much cleaner than it has been in a while, and I plan to maintain it.
Third, I’ve been trying to make sure I spend more time with friends. We’ve had a couple of burrito nights this summer. Another friend has graciously begun a breakfast group each month as well. I went to the Defending the Faith conference in Steubenville last summer and had a couple of friends from the area to spend time with. They were great people to spend time with, and it is great to spend time in Steubenville with the Lord and people who love him.
Fourth, I’ve decided to look around and see if I can find another city I’d like to live in. At this point, I’m not sure what will happen next. The young adult ministry in this area hardly exists anymore, and most of my friends are either married or just aren’t available like they used to be (though, if you see above, I’ve made some headway). I’m also finding that I don’t really like Memphis as well as I used to. I have obtained licenses to practice pharmacy in Missouri and Kansas, and I’m also considering Nashville as a place to live.
Finally, I’m adding to my efforts on Catholic Match and Ave Maria Singles. Lately, especially in the past year, I’ve met some really good people there and have had some live meetings. Nothing has gone beyond friendship yet, but I’m still hopeful. There has to be someone out there.
I had my vacation last week, which included a trip to Steubenville and to Nashville, where I saw The Hermitage. I wish I could repeat the whole vacation. If I’m still here in the fall, I hope to go see Rock City. Next year, I need to go somewhere I haven’t been before. If anyone has ideas, please drop them along.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Saturday, July 14, 2007 / Comments(0)
I was at an RCIA training meeting last night, and someone brought a can of cashews. On the label reads this description:
I have to wonder what prompted this.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized
David Ancell / Tuesday, July 03, 2007 / Comments(0)
The New York Times reports on the land of HIPAA confusion. HIPAA is the federal medical information privacy law that is causing all kinds of problems in health care. The article details it well. Family members can’t find their loved one’s condition because people are either afraid of HIPAA or are using it as an excuse not to do anything.
The law, at least from a privacy standpoint, was 100% unnecessary. It’s already illegal for a health care professional to disclose confidential health information. If I did that, I could lose my license to practice pharmacy. The problem with laws like these is that no one knows how the government bureaucrats will enforce it until someone gets big time busted. Sooner or later, someone in some government agency will make an example out of someone. I suspect that is what is driving the overzealous behavior.
Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized