David Ancell / Wednesday, October 06, 2010 / Comments(0)
So far, I’m two and a half weeks in to the new job and really glad to be there. I knew a number of people there before I started, so I’m not a complete stranger. Now that I’m on day shift, I’m awake enough that I can get something out of listening to podcasts, so I’ve been doing that during my commute. Nashville traffic is very unpredictable, so the length of a podcast is ideal for keeping me informed and entertained.
Speaking of podcasts, this brings me to what I really want to blog about. I have decided to try to podcast again. It will be a work in progress, and I don’t know how often I’ll post episodes. I picked out music beds. Soon, I hope to start recording. The episodes will be posted within this blog as their own category. Some RSS software will generate a feed in case someone wants to download this from podcast software. This should be fun!
Category: News on My Life
David Ancell / Saturday, September 18, 2010 / Comments(0)
It seems I have fallen behind on blogging again. It has been really busy. I’ve been pretty tired during several weeks of night shift, but fortunately, it’s all over now. My wife and I moved to Nashville two days ago. I will be starting a new job on Monday that will be regular daytime hours. Meanwhile, much has happened that I could blog about. We just began our church search officially tonight. We are actually going to another church tomorrow to check it out.
Category: News on My Life
David Ancell / Friday, March 26, 2010 / Comments(0)
Last weekend, Yana and I went to the Ignited by Truth conference in Raleigh. I’m not even sure how to tell you all about it, but it was great. If you have ever been to a conference at Franciscan University of Steubenville, the conference kind of reminded me of it. There just wasn’t praise and worship music, and they actually took breaks in between talks.
I was especially glad to see Greg and Lisa Popcak and Fr. Dwight Longenecker in person. I have read several of Dr. Popcak’s books, and I had somewhat followed the story of Fr. Longenecker. Now, I have heard them speak, and they were great!
Category: News, News on My Life
David Ancell / Monday, February 22, 2010 / Comments(0)
I am writing at the end of one of a really great trip that my wife and I have taken. We drove to Pennsylvania to see friends and their new baby, and he’s a real cute little guy. Then, we went on a young adult retreat at a retreat house in Cape May, NJ. This brings back special memories for us because our courtship officially began right after that retreat. Now, we are back as a married couple. It was a lot of fun, but being around all these twenty-somethings makes me feel old. In fact, I will have only one more year before I am too old for the young adult retreat there. It is just as well, though, because I’m now in a whole new phase of life now that I’m a married man.
We took the Cape May-Lewes Ferry to Delaware and have been making our way through Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Yana managed to get in touch with one of her friends visiting her mother in Delaware, and we got to meet up with them. We thought we’d get all the way home, but we were a bit too ambitious on that one. My wife found a great deal as she always does, and we were able to stay a night in downtown Portsmouth, Virginia. It is just beautiful here. We will be heading home this morning, and I have to go back to work.
The retreat brought me some things that I want to expand on when I get a chance. We had an opportunity for group sharing, and after speaking I always seem to think of something else that would have been good to talk about. So, I should be back to post more later.
Category: News on My Life
David Ancell / Monday, February 08, 2010 / Comment(1)
You have probably noticed a bit of change on this web site. I moved to a different server, and I set up my blog as a WordPress blog because I figured that they’d have better software than I would have time to write. I managed to import most, if not all, of Danger! Falling Brainwaves, but I decided not to use that name anymore. I am just not good at naming things. Hopefully, I’ll be here more often than I have been recently.
On my web page, you will now see that I am posting links to talks I have given and to my favorite Catholic books. I hope you will find this useful. I have gone through the links and been a bit more selective. My blogroll has also changed as many blogs that I had links to are no longer active.
I hope you will enjoy the new pages.
Category: News on My Life