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On the Road

  /   Sunday, May 15, 2005   /   Comments(0)

Some of you may have read that I bought the Cingular version of the Treo 650 about three months ago. It has worked great in Memphis, but I had never given it a good road test. Well, now I have.

I have had quite an eventful weekend. Yesterday, my sister graduated from medical school at Mizzou in Columbia, Missouri. I travelled to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, Illinois on Friday and spent the first night there. Yesterday morning, I finished the trip to Columbia to see my sister graduate. I’ll have more on that later. That night, I drove back to Belleville and will be headed back to Memphis this afternoon after Mass at the Shrine. It has been a great trip.

I am now blogging from the motel in the Shrine on my Treo 650. It is working really well. I have kept up with e-mail, text messages, and even made some phone calls. This is perfect for travelling.

Now maybe some people reading this would think I’m kind of sick for wanting to have my contacts and e-mail while on the road. I think it’s a lot of fun to give friends a play-by-play of all the fun while keeping up with them. Besides, I don’t like to travel up the roads these days without a cell phone in case my car breaks down. My car is now almost five years old with almost 70,000 miles on it. I know that isn’t too old, but things can happen.

Anyway, I’ll write more about the graduation later. I had a great time. I am so proud of my little sister.

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Shall We End the Boycott?

  /   Monday, May 09, 2005   /   Comments(0)

I just found out on Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio’s site that Ebay has agreed not to allow the sale of the Eucharist. It is about time. They have also decided to make a determination of certain sacred objects that cannot be sold per their policies. I hope this doesn’t go to such an extreme that they won’t allow the sale of Rosaries, which is perfectly legitimate if done for the right reason.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized


  /   Monday, May 09, 2005   /   Comments(0)

There’s a new cellular phone store near where I go to Perpetual Adoration. It’s named “The Wire.” Hmmmm . . . why would you name a store that sells wireless services with that name.

Here’s one that a friend of mine and I like to ponder every year. In most places in the United States, the Ascension of Our Lord has been moved to Sunday. Well, what if you happen to be in one of those places on Thursday, but, on Sunday, you are in Nebraska or some other area that still celebrates the Ascension on Thursday? What do you do?

Well, okay, this is all really just in fun. I haven’t written in a while, so I had to come up with something.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Academy of Sore Losers

  /   Tuesday, April 19, 2005   /   Comments(0)

Anyone who has been an orthodox Catholic for more than three days (baptized infants excepted) knows that there will be a lot of people upset by our new Pope Benedic XVI. It only shows that they Holy Spirit will work as he will regardless of who doesn’t like it.

However, since we still have to share this world with people who don’t like it, we might as well, amuse ourselves as Fr. Sibley has. Some of the posts are downright hilarious, like the guy who said that the Church would breathe a sigh of relief that Cardinal Ratzinger isn’t elected Pope.

The best came from Fr. Richard McBrien, no doubt before the results were in, regarding the homily of Cardinal Ratzinger prior to the conclave:

If Cardinal Ratzinger were really campaigning for pope, he would have given a far more conciliatory homily designed to appeal to the moderates as well as to the hard-liners among the cardinals. I think this homily shows he realizes he’s not going to be elected. He’s too much of a polarizing figure.

Long live Benedict XVI!!!!

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Habemus papam

  /   Tuesday, April 19, 2005   /   Comments(0)

I don’t know if I’ll be useful at work for the rest of the day given the election results. I am so excited to see that Cardinal Ratzinger was elected Pope Benedict XVI on this day. We need him.

I was fortunate to get to see the web video on MSNBC. Now, the only downside is that we are no doubt going to be watching days of media crybabies and other blathering idiots talk about how the Church is headed backwards. However, it is worth it! We can watch them and laugh. In fact, when we see a dissenting theologian, we can now think that maybe his/her career will be over soon.

Seriously, I hope that Pope Benedict XVI, despite his advanced age, will live many more years and implement the teachings and rules of his predecessor. He will do the Church much good. I am so happy that he is Pope.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Stay Away from eBay

  /   Monday, April 18, 2005   /   Comments(0)

This has to be the biggest outrage I have seen in my life. In case that link is no longer available, here is an article (note that I disagree with the author saying that this isn’t eBay’s fault). Apparently, someone tried to auction what they claimed was a consecrated host on eBay.

The seller started off by saying that he isn’t Catholic and doesn’t believe that he’s going to Hell for attempting to see this “collectible.” I hope he finds out he’s wrong before he dies. However, I’m just as sickened by eBay’s response to complaints. This is the Body and Blood of Our Lord regardless of what “diverse views” may exist on it. eBay and the seller had better repent of this sacriliege, FAST!! I, for one, no longer wish to give them my business.

By the way, Dom Bettinelli was nice enough to provide contact info on his blog.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

It’s Coming

  /   Sunday, April 17, 2005   /   Comments(0)

For all of my Catholic life, I have associated the papacy with John Paul II. Although I was born during the reign of Paul VI, I wasn’t old enough to remember him when he died. It’s hard to believe that I could wake up tomorrow and find that we have a new pope. I think it’s unlikely, but it could happen.

The word in the media is that Cardinal Ratzinger will be very influential. If so, we are in good hands. I read not too long ago (I think it’s the article I linked to in the last post.) that Cardinal Ratzinger has his vision of the Church as boldly proclaiming the Gospel, even, if necessary, as a minority group in an increasingly secular world. It is what we badly need.

I hear a lot, and rightly so, that Cardinal Ratzinger would be a dividing force if he or someone like him were to become the next pope. However, in today’s world, we can no longer sit on the fence. We must be with the Church as she is and as she teaches or against her. The reform that is needed is a reform of our lives, not of the teaching of the Church.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Assorted Things in the Conclave

  /   Saturday, April 16, 2005   /   Comments(0)

First, I’d like to say Happy Birthday to Cardinal Ratzinger, who turns 78 today. Despite his advanced age, I hope for him to have many more birthdays. We need more outstanding men like him leading the Church.

Second, here is the list from Catholic World News on men whom they think are likely candidates to succeed John Paul II. My preference list is this:

1. Either Cardinal Ratzinger or Arinze. They are both excellent candidates. I have a bit of partiality to Cardinal Arinze because I’ve heard him speak, but either would be equally good for the Church.

2. Cardinal Pell. This guy isn’t on anyone’s list that I’ve seen, but he’d be a great candidate. Remember that John Paul II was a “dark horse” candidate elected on the second day of the conclave.

3. Cardinal Schönborn; editor of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I don’t know much more about him, but reliable sources think highly of him.

Then again, maybe they will surprise us with someone who would be just as good. My picks are only as reliable as my knowledge, and I am certain that there are others in the College of Cardinals whom I do not know of who would be an excellent pope.

Third, I’ve been reading media coverage with some disgusted amusement. To be fair, there have been a lot of people who rarely have anything good to say about the Church who have said some good things about the late Holy Father. However, one can see their agenda seep through.

For example, some have suggested that the next pope will be more liberal to balance out John Paul II. Supposedly there is a saying that says “after a fat pope, a thin pope.” However, even if the electors wish to balance out John Paul II, there are probably a number of ways in which it is more likely to be done. Pope John Paul II was a traveling preacher and teacher. He laid groundwork. However, he was not an administrator, nor was he a disciplinarian. Given the disregard of many Catholics (even priests and bishops) for what the Holy Father taught, an administrator and disciplinarian is just what the Church needs.

Another noted line came from the New York Times. I can no longer find the article, but it basically said that his kind, friendly appearance belied his doctrinal stances on moral issues. In other words, taking an unwavering doctrinal stance should necessarily make one crustier than a three-day-old pizza. It’s sad that their reporters and editorial staff will never know that true and lasting joy comes from the very things that John Paul II taught.

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Oh . . . . Busted!!

  /   Tuesday, April 05, 2005   /   Comments(0)

The New York Times just posted some evidence of their stance with this nice line that says “need some quote from supporter.” The line doesn’t even suggest finding someone well known or articulate, just “some quote from supporter.” Then again, we knew this anyway.

Let’s not also forget the line, quoted by Terry Mattingly, that pretty much changes the NYT editorial on the Pope into an idiotorial. Somehow the death of the Holy Father, per the New York Times analysis, shows that the euthanasia movement is right. Granted, the accounts of the Holy Father’s final moments on this earth do show a good and happy death. However, what does this make of the last few years of his life leading up to this moment? The Holy Father suffered but yet refused to give in. He never retired, saying that Christ never came down from the cross. He refused to take the easy way out. He gave all he had to his last breath. Contrast this with the euthanasia proponents who insist that “death with dignity” means just simply ending life when it gets too bad.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

And You Think We Have Wacky Lawsuits

  /   Tuesday, April 05, 2005   /   Comments(0)

I received a link to this article in my e-mail. It tells how watchmakers are having hard times because the youth are using their cell phones to find out what time it is. In fact, one French watch maker is suing a cell phone company for making a commercial displaying watches and a grandfather clock being thrown away. Talk about wacky lawsuits!

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