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Has Scandal Come to Memphis?

  /   Sunday, August 08, 2004   /   Comments(0)

A scandal story broke in our local paper. It’s really bad because the story broke the same day as the diaconate ordination and in the same church where the ordination took place. I’m just glad that I didn’t run into the press there. I hope they weren’t there, but I can’t be for sure.

If true, I cannot find the words to describe it. Many of us throughout the diocese are a close-knit group. It amazes me that anything like this gets through without it being known widely throughout the diocese. We are a small group of Catholics mostly, but not entirely, concentrated in one relatively small metro area. We have no shortage of people who are eager to report everything they find.

Only upon the revelation of more information will we know if it is true or not. To the wags in the Church, keep in mind that there still exists the possibility that this entire episode may not be true. All I know of now are an allegation or a lawsuit. It is complicated by the fact that the priest in question has left the country. I’m sure it will be found out whether this was done before or after our diocese had a chance to act. Both the pastor of this parish at the time and the current pastor are very solid priests. I will give all involved the benefit of the doubt until there is evidence to the contrary, but I will not do so any longer than this.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Seeing Other St. Blog’s Members

  /   Saturday, August 07, 2004   /   Comments(0)

Last Sunday in Frassati Society, we were fortunate to have Andy McNutt come to tell his conversion story. He held everyone’s attention. Even as a Protestant, he was aware that there was something wrong with using contraception. In fact, he brought up the Theology of the Body and how this aided his conversion.

Today, I had a totally different experience. We had an ordination to the transitional diaconate. This new deacon came to the Frassati Society during his first summer break from seminary. How blessed we are to see that he is ordained a deacon. He is scheduled to be ordained a priest next June, and I plan to be there. He is definitely one of those previously blogged about younger seminarians. He will be a great priest.

While there, I saw another seminarian and friend of mine, Dennis. He’s still got a long way to go before ordination, but he belongs in the above category as well. We talked on the phone for a few minutes before I saw him at the church during the ordination.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Hope for the Future

  /   Saturday, August 07, 2004   /   Comments(0)

Things like my last blog entry can drive one to despair. Therefore, it is necessary that we remember the younger generation of priests and seminarians. My parish is blessed to have a prime example of this in one of our associates. For example, this priest spoke about the priesthood, and during his talk, one of the cradle Catholics who was sponsoring his fiancee said that his view of celibacy was totally turned around. At one time, he viewed it as a curse. After hearing this priest, he viewed it as a gift.

One of the blessings that we have is that our baby-boomer priests appear to be at least somewhat tolerant of these orthodox priests. Apparently, that doesn’t happen everywhere. There probably have been cases around here of persecutions of some form, but I have not heard much. I do know that these priests are very popular with many of the laity. They preach the truth we hunger for. Not only that, they don’t see it as some kind of unnecessary constraint but as a cause for joy.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

What is Going On?

  /   Saturday, August 07, 2004   /   Comments(0)

There seems to be reason to suspect that, during the bishops’ most recent meeting, the letter from Cardinal Ratzinger on pro-abort “Catholic” politicians was not given to the bishops. What is going on? Did Cardinal McCarrick do this? Why? At any rate, there are a lot of questions that are unanswered. I have believed from the start that the “committee” that was going to study the issue was little more than a means to dereliction of duty, and the evidence is mounting that this is the case.

I still can’t help but wonder, though, why would Cardinal McCarrick do this? What is going on? It is extrememly shameful for a high official of the Church to go on like this.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Et Tu, Alabama?

  /   Wednesday, August 04, 2004   /   Comments(0)

One expects this to happen in New York or on planet California, but not in Alabama. The state health department is requiring their nurses to distribute the morning-after pill. The result has been the resignation of eleven nurses and fifty requests for transfer. They were hiding behind a supposed federal mandate, but it is now clear that there is none. Instead, we get the following drivel . . .

“It’s excellent public health policy,” Miller said. “We have a rock-solid reason to do it. It’s a good thing to do for the low-income women of this state. Other women already have access to it.”

Excellent public health policy my rear end!! Let’s see, we’re killing newly conceived children and possibly facillitating the increase in sexually transmitted diseases. Yeah, sure this is “excellent public health policy.”

Hmmm, I don’t know what they said to nurses opposed to this, but if they told them not to “impose their values on other people,” (as I’ve often heard) how ironic would this be? I guess if you’re a health care professional, then you can be imposed upon any way someone wants. When I read this stuff, I get the impression that I should be planning for the day in which I can no longer in good conscience practice pharmacy under the laws of this country. I dread the very thought of that day because it will mean that the only people who are working in health care are those who have absolutely no regard for the sanctity of life.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Hooray for the Show-Me State!

  /   Wednesday, August 04, 2004   /   Comments(0)

At least they have sense in my native state of Missouri. The citizens voted overwhelmingly to amend the state constitution to define marriage as nothing other than a union between one man and one woman. The article (subscription required) notes that many of the people going to the polls were Democrats.

Missouri is a different animal from a lot of states. Many Democrats are relatively conservative in the state legislature. I think the state may even be more conservative than many southern states.

This battle isn’t over yet. We well know that the gay activists are going to sue this into sawdust if they can. I would be surprised if some kooky federal judge didn’t decide that gay marriage is a constitutional right.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized


  /   Tuesday, August 03, 2004   /   Comments(0)

If anyone has tens of thousands of dollars to spare, maybe he could buy KerryEdwards.com. The domain was owned by a man named Kerry Edwards. It is being auctioned by sedo.com.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Adware Gone

  /   Thursday, July 29, 2004   /   Comments(0)

It appears that I had a VX2 variant of the adware on my computer. It was designed not to be detectable by any current spyware/adware detection programs. If you have this and can’t remove it, check out Lavasoft’s Ad-Aware with VX2 Cleaner plugin. Once I used the plugin, I was able to get rid of the pop-up ads.

I can’t believe that these people are legally allowed to do this. It ought to be considered trespassing. Then again, I don’t know who did it, so pressing charges would be very difficult.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Happy Birthday to Me

  /   Wednesday, July 28, 2004   /   Comments(0)

Well, it’s my birthday again. I’m not very old (I’m 29.), but I’m now getting to the point where I feel like I can do without more birthdays. Maybe I could stay in my 20’s for a while longer. Oh well, at least I have another year.

On another note, some infernal jerk has installed adware on my computer. I don’t know who did it, but I didn’t ask for it. It started to appear yesterday. I put ZoneAlarm on my computer as well as a couple of anti-spyware programs. The anti-spyware programs didn’t get rid of it, but the ZoneAlarm appears to be preventing it from calling home.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Women Are Not Interested

  /   Tuesday, July 27, 2004   /   Comments(0)

Interesting, very interesting . . . .

The feminazis are out crusading to defend the precious “right” of every woman to murder her unborn child in the womb. Are the “women voters” (whomever they may be talking about) really interested? Are they really worried that this precious “right” will be taken from them?

Well, apparently they are not. In fact, the pro-aborts themselves are admitting it. One pro-abort organization took a poll that revealed that 51% of women oppose most or all abortions.

Are you surprised? I’m not really . . . . it’s just part of the trend that I’ve been gratefully observing. It’s kind of like all of those people trying to make the Church “relevant.” No one is really interested in what they are doing. Abortion just isn’t an appealing prospect for women of good sense anymore than false teaching is an appealing prospect for Catholics with good sense. Pray that people will continue to not listen to the pro-aborts and not support their cause. Then, we need only to present them with the Gospel truth if they do not already know it.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

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